
Sunday, February 7, 2010

The first lipdub video was incredibly fun to be a part of. But lets make the first lipdbub video...

...of many.

There is the possibility to make even better videos! Please email if you are interested!

Hey, when are you guys going to put the lipdub video up?

Friday, February 5, 2010

Hey everyone!

Well your constant nagging has paid off, the video is on youtube! Please take the time to comment or rate the video to increase its popularity!


T-minus THREE Days!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Holy smokes folks!

Lipdub is in only three days. Remember the date:

Saturday January 30th, 2010
5:00 PM in THRN 1200

Be sure to show up on time, see you then!

You've Got Mail

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Tony and I have heard rumblings of a strange chain letter being passed through cyberspace. Better pass it along....

Remember to keep on signing up!

Its not lipdub but it is Miley Cyrus

Saturday, December 26, 2009

My little sister showed me a great video, technically it is not a lipdub because it is not filmed in one take but it is hillarious anyways. I especially enjoy the 'sexy scene' on the beach, you will know which one I mean. Check it.

Remember to keep on signing up!

Happy Holidays

Happy Hollidays to all! I hope everyone is having a fantastic time away from school and studying.

My friend sent me another Lipdub video. I heard this one was done during exams, which makes it even more impressive! Check it out!

If we want our video to be even better than this one we need everyone in it! Remember to sign-up because there are only a limited number of spots! Get your friends involved before it is too late!

The Number 23

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hey folks!

Are you breaking down from constant exam studying?

Solution: Check out the international movement of lipdub videos, mentioned in our lipdub explanation video. Take note: there are twenty-two videos, looks like we are set up to have our video be lucky number 23!

Also, another startling revelation, I noticed that lipdub is composed of two three letter words. Think about it: 2 3 letter words! 23! AHHHHH its everywhere!

Remeber to sign-up if you haven't already! Tell all your friends!

OK, since this post someone snagged the number 23 spot! But I like Jim Carrey so I am not taking down the picture!